Who doesn't love September? For those who base their annual calendar around the school schedule it almost feels like the ringing in of a 'New Year'. Refreshed from extended holidays, 'new year' resolutions have been made and the mental 'clock' has been reset. Overall, it's been one for the books!

First, I am getting a do-over with my students. Both myself and my eclectic group of children have embarked on Year Two together. It was the smoothest first week of school to date, and I am excited to continue to watch the little grasshoppers hop...seriously, one month away from them offers a fresh perspective as to how bright and special each of them are! I know it sounds cliche, but for a student who wasn't reading when they left in June to casually mention "Did you know there is a two, to AND too!?" I almost fell off my chair! On an even brighter note (as if that description of my day-to-day couldn't get any more sun-shiny yellow) my newest colleague, Mr. Tyler has brightened all days! I still get shocked when I look up from some playground drama to see Tyler just strolling by.
As always, the first weekend before the school year starts is Malaysia's Independence Day...filling our deeply ingrained need for a 'labour day weekend' before heading back to school. Hutchy had rented a 14 seater van (which none of us were sure he could handle) and we were set to cruise through the night. Destination; Kapas Island. I had my quiet reservations about heading back to the island where I had picked up dysentry in the Spring, however, I hand-sanitized like a Mo, questioned the source of each ice cube, eventually said *^% it, and made it out unscathed....save the horrendous jellyfish stings. As most of our regular crew was still away on summer vacation, we got to know some new peeps and caught up with some old faithfuls. If time has proved anything, three days on a deserted island makes fast-friends.

Although things are fresh, new and exciting, as they often are in September, the city of Kuala Lumpur is currently none of those things. Since we have returned back, the haze levels have been fluctuating from moderate to hazardous due to the out of control burning of forests in Indonesia (all in the name of palm oil). It feels like we haven't seen the sun shine in days and days, face masks have become my new favourite accessory, school has been closed, and generally we're going a bit shack wacky (with a hint of asthma) from all the indoor living (how indoor cats do it, I'll never know).
Rooftop view pre-haze & now during the seemingly perma-haze |
So what do you do with your time when the 'fresh air' is deemed poisonous? Well it's a bit like being in the deep freeze of winter-- You stay inside--We play poker, go to movies, spas, order-in, wander the mall...and celebrate fabulous people! With heavy hearts we have bid adieu to our original KL bestie, Sweet Dee. After working, living and traveling with Danielle for the past two years, it's hard to imagine life in Malaysia without our ever-constant, over-ordering, drink-spilling, pun-loving, bright smiled, third wheeling, social butterfly. She and Damian are off on the next adventure!....However, not before one more night of Regalia nonsense was had to send them off <3
Adios amiga ♥♥♥ We love you! |
On the docket for the coming months...Thailand, Malaysian Oktoberfest, Deepavali, Indonesia and India! Anyone planning to be wandering around these parts? Let us know, we'll plan a weekender :)
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