Coconut oil seems to be something I find myself rambling on and on about with friends, co-workers, perfect strangers on the subway..and poor Tyler. Much to the annoyance of my local friends (who have known about the not-so-secret benefits of coconut oil since they were tots), I talk about the 'innovation' of coconut oil and all its magical properties and uses way too much. So in an attempt to get it off my chest once and for all, I've put together a list of my most common uses for coconut oil (also crediting friends who share the same love for the all natural, all encompassing product).

SO to start off, we buy
cold-pressed coconut oil by the gallon. We use the same bottle for all our purposes- nothing scented, nothing added, nothing fancy. It all comes out of the same bottle we keep above the stove. In warmer climates it comes in a clear liquid form, however when home over the holidays, I saw it in its solid white's like ice, it will melt and is the same product. As well, if it isn't painfully obvious, I am not a nutritionist, scientist, beautician or any sort of 'ist'. I can only claim to love coconut oil because of what it gives me at face value. Our relationship is pretty transparent. To delve deeper, ask Google. So what do I most commonly use coconut oil for? Here we go;
Cooking: We almost exclusively use coconut oil for our cooking. It's lighter, smells amazing while you are cooking, and adds an extra flavour dimension. I know you might think that you don't want the vague flavour of coconut in everything you eat...but it pairs well with everything (Pairs? Who do I think I am?) We (Tyler) use it for chicken, curries, stir fry, soups, brownies, cakes... seriously, it's our cooking oil of choice (except when serving an aglio olio- stick to the olive oil.)
Hair Conditioning: Before coming to KL I always had healthy hair- not dry, not greasy. I didn't use any products on my hair including conditioner and maintained a glossy, thick mane. However, after baking on the equator for a year and a half, my hair has become dry, bland and straw-like. Solution: Coconut oil. I rub coconut oil through the length of my hair and on my scalp at least once a week, then tie and wrap it up for several hours (or I usually just sleep with it in). Note, rinsing the oil out can take a couple of tries, but the results are fantastic and totally worth it. Ever ask yourself why those Indian girls have the most amazingly healthy hair? It's coconut oil. Works for brunettes, blondes, black, dyed, curly, straight hair...ask my friends!
Teeth Brushing: So I've seen a few things about 'oil pulling' posted on other those articles for the whole explanation. But the long and short of it is, you take a tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for about 20 minutes. Yes, I know it sounds gross, but remember, coconut oil tastes like COCONUTS. When finished, spit and brush with the ol' Crest. Why you ask? Well to start, it is a natural teeth whitener. As well, it removes all kinds of toxins and bacteria from your mouth, and in turn your body. Trust me when you spit it out, you will see. Remember it turns back into a solid when cooled, so careful with the pipes!
Body Moisturizer
(From Ellie): How many of us have a coconut scented body moisturizer....with a bunch of other added ingredients? Coconut oil is the real deal...just rub on and smell like a vacation all day. Our friend Ellie freezes hers into a solid so it's a bit more manageable/less messy to rub on.
Removing Make-up
(From Danielle): Sweet Dee can get into some pretty creative make-up, not to mention the need for waterproof everything in the constant humidity, and if she swears by a makeup remover, you can trust it will work. Just like any make-up removes make-up. BUT it doesn't dry out your skin :)
Anti-aging and Digestion
(From Magesh): I haven't tried this one personally, but my Indian coworker who has beautiful skin, nails, hair, and teeth AND not-so-coincidentally is a lover of all things coconut oil (she even renders it herself from the milk...ahhhmazing!) claims that for years, her grandmother has been taking a teaspoon of coconut oil each morning before she eats, and that she looks shockingly young for her age. Although I have no photographic evidence of this woman who has been drinking from Aphrodite's teaspoon for decades, when the time comes, I will gladly consider coconut oil over botox, and honestly, I have yet to find a reason to doubt coconut oil...or Magesh for that matter.
I will be the first one to scoff at trendy health crazes....the words gluten-free, almond milk, chia seed, kale, and quinoa make my eyes roll involuntarily. (I'm sorry, but being raised by a Mother who was sneaking flax seed into everything and tried to pass 'BRANies' off on me as a's part of my rebellion-
Sorry Ma ❤️). Although coconut oil could easily be added to the list, I urge you to buy it, use it, and use it often.